Online Payment (Ipswich)

Online payment (Ipswich)PayPal

The payment method is easy using PayPal and it is not necessary to have a PayPal account.
See the table below for some great money-saving options using our Advance Payment Scheme.

One-off Bin Clean


£10.00 x 1 Clean

Pay for 3 Bin Cleans (4-weekly)*


3 Cleans - One bin colour only

Advance Payment SchemePay for 6 Bin Cleans (4-weekly)*


£5.00 x 6 Cleans
*Mixed bin colours as requested

Advance Payment SchemePay for 13 Bin Cleans (4-weekly)*


£5.00 x 13 Cleans (Get 1 Clean FREE)
*Mixed bin colours as requested

Enter variable amount

(eg. 14.00 - "£" not required)

Thank you for your custom – VIP Bin Cleaning (Ipswich).
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